How to Choose Products That Sell for Your E-Commerce Store

How to Choose Products That Sell for Your E-Commerce Store

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos once said, ” It’s hard to find things that won’t sell online.” With the right marketing strategy, you can make any product presentable to sell.

However, not every product is equally appealing to the buyers. Product selection is very crucial, especially when you are new in the business.

Many e-commerce beginners get confused on deciding which products to sell online and pay the price of selecting difficult products.

That’s why you need to spend a lot of time choosing the right product before planning to sell online.

Though there are too many products to choose from, we can help you develop some ideas to narrow down your targeted list.

Let’s get started by figuring out what you can sell online!


Research the Market Using Other E-Commerce Platforms

Worried about where to start your product research? Luckily, there are limitless resources on the internet for you to begin with. Just look at the giant marketplaces first-

  • Amazon has the biggest bestsellers section (sorted by category)
  • If you are looking for bestseller products sorted by product range, go to eBay.
  • AliExpress allows you to sort products by most recent orders.
  • If you want to see the list of products sorted by country and price, go to Etsy.

The bestseller lists are usually sorted by country. So, it’s easier for you to narrow down the products based on the country or region.

Once you are done with researching the big online marketplaces, look for the regional marketplaces. These marketplaces may not have plenty of resources, but they will tell you what products are on demand in your region.

Research the Market Using Social Media Platforms

Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Tiktok have become major game-changer about product selection. You can use these social media platforms to explore popular products on your potential market.

Facebook and Instagram even have their marketplace where you can get some solid ideas about the products you will sell.

People love to show off what’s trendy on Instagram or Tik Tok. If you check regularly these entertaining media platforms, you will have some pretty good ideas about the current trend.

See What’s Coming Up in the Calendar

National holidays, festivals, sporting events, or religious ceremonies play a key role in selling hot products.

For example, Halloween or Christmas will naturally cause a sudden spike in sales of certain products. Know what products are trendy in this Christmas or Halloween and store those products before it is too late.

The summer or winter also plays an essential role in what people are buying. What people love to buy in summer may not be suitable for winter.

If your region is a tourist area, you have to keep in mind when tourists are coming to your location the most and what they are usually buying while they are staying.

Take a Look at the Trends

Google trends can help you to know what products people are regularly searching on Google. Type the product name into Trends, and it’ll show you the search volume and how it changes over time.

Your store should ideally look for a growing trend that can help it grow along with the demand. Products that show a stable trend over the years should be your ideal choice.

When it comes to seasonal products, look at the trend’s high and low points to ensure when the products are in high demand and when it’s not.

Take a Look at the Trends

Establishing a successful e-commerce store is not easy. There are many competitors out there who are doing really good.

That’s why market research is crucial before jumping into the business. Choosing the right products is undoubtedly going to give you a head start.

However, business is a matter of passion too. So, you need to figure out which type of products fascinate you. The product choice is not always necessary if you have a deep knowledge about the produtcs you are about to sell.

If you have products that you want to sell online, talk to us. We can help you to build a robust online presence and increase online sales.